Veldspar Ore
The most common ore type in the known world, Veldspar can be found most everywhere. It is still in constant supply as it holds a large portion of the much-used Tritanium mineral. It requires 100 ore units to reprocess, and yields 400 units Tritanium. It has a volume of 0.1m3.
There are two variants:
Concentrated Veldspar[]
Clusters of Veldspar, called Concentrated Veldspar, are sometimes found in areas where normal Veldspar is already in abundance, the yield is increased by 5%. It requires 100 Ore units to reprocess. and yields 420 units Tritanium.
Dense Veldspar[]
In asteroids above average size, the intense pressure can weld normal Veldspar into what is known as Dense Veldspar, increasing the yield by 10%. It requires 100 Ore units to reprocess, and yields 440 units Tritanium.

Veldspar Crystal
Using Veldspar mining crystals requires the following skills:
Veldspar Processing III
Refining IV
Industry I
Science III
Mining I
Using Tech II Veldspar mining crystals requires the following additional skills:
Veldspar Processing IV
The below amounts are on a per-unit basis.
Processed Minerals and Unprocessed Ores |
Isogen • Megacyte • Mexallon • Morphite Arkonor • Bistot • Crokite • Dark Ochre • Gneiss • Hedbergite • Hemorphite • Jaspet |