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Icon22 08 Powergrid 12,000 MW
Icon12 07CPU 550 tf
Icon08 11 High Slots 8
Icon08 10 Medium Slots 4
Icon08 09 Low Slots 7
Icon12 12Launcher Hardpoints 0
Icon05 13Turrets Hardpoints 4
Icon68 01Upgrade Hardpoints 2
Icon68 01 Calibration 400
Hull Megathron Class
Developer Duvolle Laboratories
Role Marauder
Geared toward versatility and prolonged deployment in hostile environments, Marauders represent the cutting edge in today’s warship technology. While especially effective at support suppression and wreckage salvaging, they possess comparatively weak sensor strength and may find themselves at increased risk of sensor jamming. Nevertheless, these thick-skinned, hard-hitting monsters are the perfect ships to take on long trips behind enemy lines.

Duvolle Labs manufactures sturdy ships with a good mix of offensive and defensive capabilities. Since the company is one of New Eden’s foremost manufacturers of particle blasters, its ships tend to favor turrets and thus have somewhat higher power output than normal.

Special Abilities
Gallente Battleship Skill Bonus:
  • 5% bonus to large hybrid weapon damage per level
  • 10% bonus to the velocity factor of stasis webifiers per level
Marauders Skill Bonus:
  • 7.5% bonus to repair amount of armor repair systems per level
  • 7.5% bonus to large hybrid weapon tracking per level
Role Bonus:
  • 100% bonus to large hybrid weapon damage
  • 100% bonus to range and velocity of tractor beams
  • Able to fit the Bastion Module
Icon22 07Capacity 6,800 HP
Icon22 20EM 0 %
Icon22 19Explosive 50 %
Icon22 17Kinetic 55 %
Icon22 18Thermal 30 %
Icon01 09Capacity 7,300 HP
Icon22 20EM 50 %
Icon22 19Explosive 10 %
Icon22 17Kinetic 51.25 %
Icon22 18Thermal 43.125 %
Icon02 10Capacity 8,200 HP
Icon22 20EM 0 %
Icon22 19Explosive 0 %
Icon22 17Kinetic 0 %
Icon22 18Thermal 0 %
Icon03 13Cargo Bay 1,275 m3
Icon02 10Mass 101,800,000.00 kg
Icon02 12Volume 486,000.00 m3
Icon01 04Capacity 5,625 GJ
Icon22 16Recharge 923,900 ms
Icon02 10Capacity 125 m3
Icon56 05Bandwidth 75 Mbit/sec
Icon22 13Velocity 135 m/sec
Icon03 08Warp Speed 3.0 AU/S
Icon22 24Inertia Modifier 0.124
Icon22 26Magnetometric 13 points
Icon07 15Targets 10
Icon22 15Range 87 km
Icon03 09Scan Resolution 81 mm
Icon22 14Signature Radius 500 m
Skills Required
Primary Skill Marauders I
Primary Skill Gallente Battleship V
Primary Skill Energy Grid Upgrades V
Primary Skill Advanced Weapon Upgrades V
Secondary Skill Spaceship Command V
Secondary Skill Weapon Upgrades V
Tech I Megathron512Megathron
Tech II Kronos512Kronos
Faction Megathron Navy Issue512Megathron Navy Issue


Limited Edition Megathron Federate Issue512Megathron Federate Issue
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